19:24 |


          Great ends such as;   Success, wealth and financial freedom are all aftermath of little means. Success comes from daring  to take small steps. After being faithful in small steps, you’ll look back and be able to say   ”I’m still not where I want to be, but I’m not where I was”.  You gain next to nothing in life by procrastinating little kickoffs for a mighty start.
Small steps are a big idea. Never be discouraged when you make progress no matter how slow or small, only be wary of standing still. Successes are persons who do what they can with what they have and who do it where they are.
Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.
                                                                                -JOHN MASON
One thing is certain what isn’t tried won’t work.
The most important thing is to begin even though the first step is the hardest.
Ask yourself 2 question, what are my dreams? What are the little means of achieving them? Haven answered these questions start immediately. Procrastination is a vital dream killer.
 Nobody makes the greater mistake than he who did
nothing because he could only do a little.
                                                                                -EDMUND BURKE.
Remember this on your way up the biggest dog was once a pup.  


zoza said...

you are welcome..

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